Everything JavaScript plus more. Frontend developer learning backend.
If you're reading this article because you think customizing the react-select library with TypeScript is going to be a walk in the park—close this tab...
Whenever you need to take content with functionality from a component and put it somewhere else on the page, you can use a react portal. For example,...
Inversion of Control with InversifyJs in NextJs · Find the code on github, here. For the past year and a half I've been working with OOP in JS with...
The only setup you will need · Let me save you some precious time, because I've spent many hours and brain cells researching this subject. First things...
So you don't pass props to grandchildren · So recently I've discovered this awesome website and after reading it all, I've discovered I could do some...
If you want one of the best books that will help you become a better programmer, try this one: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software...